That pain you feel in your chest.
The hurt.
The anguish.
The worry.
It’s all there.
There’s no hope at all-
And it makes you scared.
I should’ve done this!
Oh, what if I did that?
They said to take a turn on 2nd street-
But I don’t know where it’s at?
Despair runs into your mind.
It takes control.
Tells you to give up.
It says “why are you even trying?
You’re just gunna mess up.”
Stress is always on your mind.
Worry is always in your heart.
You wish you could just start this all over-
That you could find this precious button with the word “restart”-
on it just so you could fix all your past mistakes.
You think you’re unlovable.
That there’s nothing there for you.
You’ve made so many wrong decisions,
And they all came back to bite you.
You think you’re a nobody.
Someone who’s just another face in the crowd.
No one would care if you lived or died,
They probably wouldn’t even make a frown-
at the news you were gone.
You’ve been rejected countless times by countless people.
They never even gave you a chance.
Every time you had something figured out,
There was always at least one thing that messed up your plans.
You’re pathetic, at least that’s what you tell yourself every night before you go to bed.
Thoughts of anxiety, worthlessness, and suicide are creep in through your head.
It eats you up.
“Why am I here?”
“What is my purpose?”
“How come I never catch a break?”
“Everything always happens to me, I just can’t take-
it any more. I give up!”
“Maybe things would be better if I went to bed and never woke back up.”
These things run up in down in your skull.
You don’t want them, but they’re there.
You struggle with this day and night.
You feel as if no one cares…
But there’s someone that does…
His name is Jesus of Nazareth.
He’s a pretty interesting man.
Lived 2,000 years ago,
DIED and resurrected just so you could live again.
He is God.
The Savior.
The Creator.
The Teacher.
And the one that wants to become your best friend.
His ways are perfect.
And so is His Love.
He cares for you deeply
And watches from above-
Up in heaven.
Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice.
He gave up His life with You in mind.
You may have been told that numerous times-
He thought of you up on that cross
As the blood was pouring from His chest.
He knew every second gone by-
was a second closer to His death-
that brought life.
A second chance for man.
He knew that His tortured body-
Would bring God and man’s-
Relationship back together again.
He did this all for YOU.
Even if you were the only one that needed saving.
All you got to do is call on His name and-
Give your life to Him.
Recognize it’s not your own.
Enter into a relationship with Him,
And He’ll walk to the throne of God the Father,
And tell Him and everyone else that you are now His
And will be spared from eternal hell.
If you choose life,
There’s no need for stress.
No need for worthlessness. For God has your BEST-
In mind. He is your Provider.
The one who is always there for you.
With Him the outcome will always be brighter-
Than what you could have imagined.
So discard those depressing thoughts,
And cling to the one who loves you.
He will help you get through anything. Just-
give Him your everything and-
Let Him reside in you.
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