It seems everything changes in our lives. Our location, our friends, the style of clothes we wear, etc. Our Life, in general, is one big change after the next. Is it always welcomed? No. Is it necessary? To an extent. There may be times where change may benefit you and others where it’s detrimental to you as a person. Regardless change is inevitable. The more we seem to want consistency is the times where change seems to occur the most.
Now here’s a pretty interesting thought, even though we know change is going to happen the majority of people scream for consistency. Change a lot of the time seems to be this egregious injustice. Most of us wish that there were just ONE thing that remains constant in their lives. And you know what’s insane? There is… It’s God… Awesome, huh?
God created us with a want for consistency in an ever-changing world knowing that there could only be one thing that could satisfy that desire. Himself. Now, I don’t have a profound quote from some old-time theologian or a witty comment made from some pastor that I’ve been listening too. I’m just sitting in my living room listening to 3 Deas Vail songs on repeat while Sportscenter is playing, but like I said earlier that will all change by tomorrow morning when I get back to work.
Now back to the topic at hand. Change. Now to clarify, not everyone dislikes change. I mean that was the whole motto, for better or worse, of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. It’s more like change that either is too drastic, uncomfortable, or unforeseen. Still, this is the most prevalent type of “change” we see in our lives and there’s nothing apart from God that could fill that hole inside of us. Maybe that’s the reason we tend to cry out to Him when things fall apart, when plans change. On the other hand, we tend to ignore Him when things are consistent in our lives (however short).
Now I’m just thinking out loud (more like just typing on my laptop, but whatever it’s my blog so I can say what I want) but doesn’t it appear that God purposely allows the world to be chaotic just so that it might bring us back to Him? Just think about it. When our lives become a mess who do we instinctively run to? God. And why? Because He is the only thing that will ALWAYS be constant.
Anyways there’s my 2 cents for today. I may be just writing to myself or I may not. If anyone ever happens to run into this blog I hope that I at least gave you something to think about.
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